Astrology Readings

For bookings please contact Jocelyn at:


Through Chiron, and into the quantum.

What I would like to address, what fascinates me as an astrologer heading into the new age of Aquarius, is the new potential I see emerging in every birth chart once we include both the Asteroid Goddesses, and, what we refer to as the Kuiper belt objects, or what are collectively becoming known as, “The quantum planets”.

Read more: Into the age of Aquarius.

Pretty much every time I include these so called Asteroids, and please bear in mind, the Asteroid Goddesses were up there with the gods in the original astrology. They, in parallel to women’s true role in society have been first, demoted, and then, so repressed that they have been forgotten; so, 90% of the time, when I include these ‘new’ elements, in a chart reading, I see a Grand trine, a new potential of harmony and peace emerge within the chart.

What this is saying quite clearly, is that when we include both the sacred feminine, and the new quantum planets in the equation, there is very clearly, a completely new level of harmony, and potential available to us, on a level, both collectively and individually that we have never accessed before.

So lets pick that apart, beginning with the demotion, repression, and then loss of the sacred feminine.

When the Matriarchy was in ascendance, many sacred aspects of the feminine were acknowledged and worshiped. Vesta, Goddess of the hearth fire and sexual power, Pallas Athene, the wise warrior queen, and Ceres, the Great mother, to name but a few.

But, as woman became subjugated to man, so, equally each of the Goddess energies were demoted. Vesta, denied her sexuality, and became the nun, Pallas became the woman in a mans world, the eternal tomboy, and Ceres was reduced to the woman in the home cooking cleaning and caring for others.

At the turning of the ages, we experience a time of clearing, and remembering like no other..

A concluding of old Karmic patterns that we have been working of for two thousand years, and a remembering.

A remembering of who we truly are; and a huge part of that work right now, is the rediscovering, the uncovering of the true role of the sacred feminine.

When a new planet is discovered and comes into our orbit, this indicates humanity is ready to assimilate that new learning.

Since 2005, we have the discovery of numerous asteroids out beyond Neptune, some of which we are familiar with, and many more that we aren’t. With the discovery of these asteroids, in true Aquarian style we are being bombarded with new potential, and new possibilities.

And fascinatingly, as well as being dubbed the quantum plants, (because this is the level on which they manifest), they are all being named after ancient tribal Gods and Goddesses.

Therefore describing the two ways that these energetics work.

Firstly, these are quantum planets.

They work through understanding and manipulation of consciousness.

And, secondly, that this is old knowledge that was available to our ancestors that has been lost through time.

Key to all of this, is how do we get there?

And Chiron, as always, is the key.

His symbol is shaped like a key. He was one of the first asteroids to be discovered in the 70’s

Chiron represents the area where we are wounded, and in need of healing. He has a fascinating orbit. It’s not a circular, but elliptical. Practically, that means that he travels between Saturn, the planet that represents how we believe our world is structured, and Uranus, the great awakener, and Lord of the new age.

His orbit brings in new information to help us heal, evolve and restructure our world with the higher understanding of Uranus.

To quote Melanie Kline, the first astrologer to recognise and name Chiron’s potential,

“Suffering is present in everyones life, but relating with wisdom and compassion to our own experience turns ‘poison into medicine’. Thus we develop awareness which both accompanies and also initiates new stages of our spiritual journey”

So, Chiron opens the door to the inner healing that allows us to pass previous barriers, transforming our personal subjective view into a comprehension of a larger potential for humanity and for ourselves.

The Kuiper belt objects and the new understanding they bring invite in a whole new Uranian/quantum way of living and manifesting which may well exceed our wildest ‘Old age” dreams. Haumia, for example has a magic stick from the Makalei tree that enables her to magically conjure up food. She also has the power of eternal youth, with each birth she was destroyed and reborn. These are a but few of the new energetics with which we are working with in the now.

What excites me as an astrologer is observing the incredible new levels of manifestation and harmony that exist for each of us individually, and collectively as step together into this new age of potential.

Opportunities to empower

What I would really like to talk about Astrologically, is the series of opportunities being presented to us over the coming month, month and a half with a stellium of planets passing over the earths axis point at, Zero degree Aries, the very beginning, the Cardinal point of the zodiac.

To a certain extent this happens every year, as the personal planets go through Aries, but this year, as well as Mars joining the annual party, we have Pluto, the planet of power and regeneration at the beginning of Aquarius, in happy sextile to this point.

Read more: March to May 2024

This is both the “I Am”, and the “new beginning” point of the zodiac. The sextile to Pluto brings a deeply powerful new energetic opportunity to this point. Pluto in sextile, invites and incites, but does not force. The sextile is the aspect of opportunity, and choice The ingredients are on the counter, but will we choose to bake the cake. Knowledge, as always is the key.

Pluto invites us to dig deep and renew. This opportunity is huge, Nothing less than in-depth personal, and if enough of us go there, collective transformation, regeneration The ability to understand and step into our own power.

This is all about Aries, the leader, the warrior energetic, who I am and who I choose to be.

Also present in Aries, are Eris, the female warrior, and Chiron, the wounded healer, and the North node, our point of destiny. There is a powerful choice to be made around the Karma of humanity, the medical system, Warriors, and leaders.

We also have two eclipses, and a mercury retrograde, all in Aries, all over the coming month and a half, as well as the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Whoo Hoo!

What a major transformational ride!!!

As all the personal planes passing over the Aries cardinal point in succession, they create a new beginning for each of us every spring,.

This is the place in the zodiac where everything begins anew,

The inner planets are named the personal planets because they represent just that, our inner world. The Sun represents our soul energy, what fires us up, the Moon, our feelings, Mercury, how we think, travel, communicate, Venus how we love, our self worth, and Mars, our sexuality, what drives us.

As each one passes over the Cardinal point, they touched by the magic of Pluto.

This gives us the opportunity to personally, on an inner level, dig deep, and face what is truly going on.

Pluto’s passage into Aquarius is transforming our understanding, of science, of who we are, and what our place is in the universe. And it is these deep and powerful realizations that we are assessing and assimilating.

Pluto, as lord of the underworld, takes us to the depths, to see the truth there may be pain, or even even trauma to deal with, This is a collective choice point, we can choose to collectively stand up and become a new warrior for peace, or, we can ignore the situation, sweep this under the carpet, and endure the resulting chaos. The choice, more than ever now is ours.

Past Pluto and into the new age.

As the new age begins, one of the many fascinating things that is happening is that we are discovering more and more planets beyond Pluto. These are often referred to collectively as the kyper belt objects, or the quantum planets. These are energetic opportunities that come along when we are ready for them. We literally cannot see a planet until we are ready for it’s nature it’s energetic, to be assimilated within humanity.

When we discovered Pluto, we simultaneously discovered, through the work of Freud and Jung, that we have a thing called an unconscious, which we are all now aware of has the potential to control from bellow without conscious awareness.

In order to access the new quantum energetic, we must each first negotiate our own inner Pluto.

This represents the necessity to move consciously beyond our unconscious conditioning. As long as we remain in a state of unconscious, unrecognized trauma, on the quantum level, this is what we will recreate. However, when we are conscious of our deep inner workings, we are able to control these lower emotions and choose what and how we magnetize.

With Pluto in Sextile to the Cardinal point we are being gifted the opportunity to Choose.

To Step beyond the confines of the unconscious, to utilize our God given power of choice to move beyond Pluto beyond our unconscious fears, and to truly assimilate and truly step into the realms of the quantum.

All of which means that by the beginning of May, we will all be looking at the world from a very different perspective.

A Transit reading for only €50

“Better than a psychic” Ciara


For a short time only, I am offering, by popular request, a Transit reading for only €50

The emphasis of this reading is-

Read more: Astrology Reading SPECIAL OFFER

What is going on for you now?

How long will it last?

& How will I make the best of it?

For me these are key features of astrology which can help in a very practical, every day way.

When we are going through a rough patch, or in the doldrums, nothing helps more than knowing the timing. Nothing lasts forever, and this particular energetic will end by this date. Meanwhile, astrology can point us towards the positive opportunities of this time.

That is one of the many the super fab things about astrology.

Every transit, every moment contains both a higher and a lower energetic.

When we are aware of the positive potential, we can use the power of our intention, the power of choice to step into our highest self, and achieve our greatest potential.

Contact me @

“Better than a psychic” Dublin Ciara

a Transit reading for only €50

For a short time only, I am offering a Transit reading for only €50

The emphasis of this reading is-

What is going on for you now?

How long will it last?

& How will I make the best of it?


For me these are key features of astrology which can help in a very practical, every day way.

When we are going through a rough patch, or in the doldrums, nothing helps more than knowing the timing. Nothing lasts forever, and this particular energetic will end by this date. Meanwhile, astrology can point us towards the positive opportunities of this time.

That is one of the many the super fab things about astrology.

Every transit, every moment contains both a higher and a lower energetic.

When we are aware of the positive potential, we can use the power of our intention, the power of choice to step into our highest self, and achieve our greatest potential.

Tread gently through the minefield.

Mars Conjunct Pluto is always a slightly dodgy one, bringing with it the combination of martial aggression, and the depths of hell . As they conjoin at the start of Aquarius, they will bring a powerful energetic drive to all that must be transformed.

Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on the 22nd of January this year has heralded an explosion of rebellion across Europe, with the farmers, truckers, and ordinary people standing up and saying No to the globalist agenda.

The darker aspects of Capricorn were revealed as Pluto passed over the final 29 degree point of that sign.

This placement is called the aneretic degree, and always reveals the worst of that sign for us to transform. The ongoing revelations of corruption, abuses of power, and hidden agendas are the result of Pluto’s deep dive into this placement.

As Mars passes over this point, he brings a drive and energy to the situation. Likely, as he passes through the last degrees of Capricorn, he will bring his aggression to “ The Power’s that be” in the form of government clampdowns, and even martial action against any perceived insurrection. However, as Mars moves on into Aquarius on Feb the 13th,, the power and drive will shift from old power structures into the into the hands of the people.

Dig deep and Heal.

2024 is the most extraordinary year of challenge and transformation, and February is no exception. As the North Node conjuncts Chiron this February, we are both invited and challenged to step up into our greater selves. Time to both find and embody our inner superhero.

Read more: Chiron conjunct the North Node. February 2024

The Nodes represent our collective and individual Karma. They have two ends, the North and South nodes, in Indian mythology they are represented by a dragon who was cut in half.

Rahu, the North node, is the dragons head our way forward, always hungry, always searching, always looking for more, and Ketu, the dragons tale, represents our old Karma, that which must be released.

Thus, as Ketu heads through the dependency signs, we are releasing old securities and old ways of relating. Relationships that do not honor you will pass. It is time for us to step into the North node in Aries, the sign of the individual, and the warrior. At this time we are called on to recognise our own inner warrior, and the February part of that journey involves negotiating the energetic of Chiron, or the place where we have been wounded.

Chiron was a Centaur, half man, half horse. As a youth felt completely alienated. Whilst all the other lads were into swordplay and fighting, all Chiron wanted to do was read poetry and learn. As he grew, he wandered and travelled alone, until at last Apollo took pity on him, took him in, teaching him the healing properties of herbs. And so Chiron in time returned as a healer. However he also had another vital job, the training of hero’s.

Chiron trained Achilles, Jason of the Argonauts, and Hercules.

When and where we encounter Chiron, our wounds are exposed to the light of day, and it really brutally hurts. Therefore we have no option but to address the issue.

In Aries, he exposes wounds around our individually our integrity, and our leaders. Collective Karma around leadership, righteousness, and war are all up for painful revision this month. As well as an emphasis on physical wounding.

With Chiron conjunct the North node we are no longer able to sweep our collective pain under the carpet. It is our Karma this February, to face the truth. To face our collective wound’s, and through doing so discover that there is also a path to healing. It is time for us to become our own leaders, step into our inner-superhero and stand up for humanity.

Time for the collective to awaken to their power.

Aquarius more than any other sign is the sign of “The People”.

It represents not just community, but the connection between like-minded souls that is a source of inspiration, and high ideals.

As Pluto, Lord of Death Transformation and Empowerment, heads into Aquarius, it is time for the collective to awaken to their power.

Traditionally, when Pluto changes signs, he brings some drama and change onto the world stage which epitomises that emerging energy. As we head closer to his ingress, on the 21st of January, all over Europe we see the people in uprising and rebellion. The farmers, the truckers, and the average Jo in the street are all standing up to say “No” to the globalist agenda.

Read more: Pluto into Aquarius 21 Jan 2024

With Pluto in Capricorn. The sign of tradition and structure, the power has been in the hands of the old order. As he shifts into Aquarius, so does the locus of power.

Fascinatingly, he makes this move in Tandem with the Sun, Literally, The sun moves into Capricorn, and 28 minutes later, Pluto follows. What does this extraordinary partnership symbolise?

The Soul intention of the people is at one with Lord Pluto, in his desire to uncover, discover, transform and empower.

Pluto’s job, as Lord of the underworld, is to invite, nay, force us to open the depths of hell, and to examine it’s contents in order that we may transform them in the light.

As he journeyed through Capricorn, he tore down the sacred cows of Government, Big banks and corporations. exposing their vile and sordid underbelly.

Now as he ingresses into Aquarius, he will equally expose any dark scientific underbelly, shining his empowering light on any hidden Science and, or scientific malpractice.

Consider that Traditional Aquarian archetype, the mad scientist.

What versions of hell might Pluto reveal.

Yet, Pluto opens the gates of hell in order that we may transform, and through doing so take back our power.

Aquarius is an air sign, he covers the realm of idea’s, the higher mind, our connection to our own Godhead, what we believe, and how we think. The potential is huge, quantum leaps upon quantum leaps

Aquarius rules electricity, and electro magnetism.

Many new power sources will become available, both hidden and new technologies will likely explode onto the scene, water-powered cars, space and even time travel are possibilities, as Pluto brings the power of technology to the collective.

Equally, a whole new understanding of our own nervous system and electromagnetic body will emerge, expanding our understanding from one based on the physical to one based on energy and concepts. Imagine our Chakra’s turned from the realm of myth and legend into just another body part, as Pluto applies his transformational energetic to us and our world.

But please Remember…

Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus, and Saturn, and whilst Uranus is the revolutionary, Saturn rules the law structure, brick walls.

Both energetics are present and both absolutely necessary.

Our challenge with Pluto in Aquarius, to find the balance, between the Saturn and Uranus, between structure and revolution.

Too much structure (Saturn) and we wind up in a prison state, too little and we dissolve into scientific chaos.

Both the wonderful, and the potentially scary thing about Aquarius is how full of vast, untapped potential it is.

Pluto demands that we observe both the darker side, as well as the human potential, and make a moral judgement.

We’d all like to be able to learn a new language at the touch of a button, but do you really want a brain implant?

And in what way will it interfere with your personal electromagnetic field and your innate psychic abilities?

We’d all like to feel younger, fitter and healthier, but does how the extraction method of adrenachrome sit with your conscience?

These are a few of the issues that we will be looking at over the next 20 years along with AI, Alien contact and a mind blowing explosion of human potential.

Pluto’s passage through Aquarius will no doubt transformation our perception of completely absolutely everything.

Aquarius, above all is the sign of the unexpected, pretty much anything could happen!!!

Open your mind and enjoy the ride!

New Moon in Taurus 13th November 2023

‘Times are a changing’

This is a big one.

Coming after it does after the shock of the eclipses, we are still collectively reeling,

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New Moon Eclipse 14/10/23

Warrior Women Arise

The New Moon Eclipse on the 14th is one of those particular turning points in history, and as things stand, with Pluto Squaring the Nodes during Eclipse season, things could go either way.

This year, as Pluto Lord of the underworld travels through the final, critical degrees of Capricorn, (how we structure our world), he is exposing the deepest, the worst excesses of society and it’s power structure, in order that things may be cleansed and renewed.

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Full Moon In Aries, 29th September 23

The Full Moon in Aries shines her light directly onto two asteroids. Palais Athena, and Vesta.
This brings to light issues of feminine wisdom, and the role of woman in society.
Both representing female goddess energy that was demoted with the arrival of the patriarchal system.

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