Into the age of Aquarius.

Through Chiron, and into the quantum. What I would like to address, what fascinates me as an astrologer heading into the new age of Aquarius, is the new potential I see emerging in every birth chart once we include both the Asteroid Goddesses, and, what we refer to as the Kuiper belt objects, or what

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March to May 2024

Opportunities to empower What I would really like to talk about Astrologically, is the series of opportunities being presented to us over the coming month, month and a half with a stellium of planets passing over the earths axis point at, Zero degree Aries, the very beginning, the Cardinal point of the zodiac. To a

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a Transit reading for only €50 For a short time only, I am offering a Transit reading for only €50 The emphasis of this reading is- What is going on for you now? How long will it last? & How will I make the best of it? For me these are key features of astrology

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