Astrology Readings

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Saturn Return

The Saturn Return

2021-08-30 11:34:55


The Saturn Return is one of the most important times of your life, this is a 9-month opportunity to completely transform your world.

Saturn Return Ages 29-30 and 58-60

2022-05-12 12:24:33

Saturn Return

Ages 29-30 and 58-60

The Saturn return is one of the most important times of our lives. It presents us with an opportunity to gain wisdom about who we truly are. And to let go of outmoded ways of being that are no longer appropriate.

Time to step into the true you.

But first, a 9 month period of gestation.

You need to shut down and focus on you, your life, and where it is heading.

Or not.

Saturn rules how we structure our lives.

As we grow, we gain an understanding of how each area of life works, and of who we are.

When he returns at ages 29 to 30, and 58 to 60, he invites us to re form ourselves and our world based on that understanding.

Saturn rules structure form and order. When he returns at ages 29-30, 58-60, and, 88 to 90. he invites us to reform the structural basis of our world. Through time we gain an understanding of how each area of life works, and of who we are. At the Saturn return, you are now ready to reform your life based on that wisdom. Very often a crossroads is presented.

A Saturn transit resembles a pregnancy, a time of confinement, of pressure and growth. Saturn is asking you to put your head down, to discipline yourself and do the hard work of letting go of the old, and make room for the new.

You are making your life more appropriate to who you actually are.

If your world has been based on the beliefs of others rather than your own, this will will be a time of crisis and, and letting go. If however you are living a life true to your own inner self, this can be a time of confirmation and rewards.

Do take this fabulous opportunity to encounter your inner wisdom. Ok… it is limiting.. it is hard work…. and quite possibly a bit lonely.

Please do bear in mind. Your time for expansion will come. Saturn is Lord of both time and Karma.

For those that put in the hard work at this time, rich rewards will undoubtedly come.