The power of CHOICE

2021-03-31 15:35:31
The POWER of choice has always fascinated me. I’ve always felt it should be taught in school. The power of those daily fundamental decisions we make, that either empower or undermine us.
It’s one of the fascinating things about reading charts, whilst you can always read the energetic imprint of the chart, there is no way of determining the personal choices that soul has made, and whether their decisions have led them into their own personal heaven or hell.
To use a simplistic example, in a chart with a predominance of Pisces, or Neptunian energy, it is impossible to tell whether that soul’s individual development has led to drugs, or Sainthood… (one of those self-sacrificing careers, nursing or teaching). In fact early experiences with drugs can easily lead to work in the helping professions. Both require a searching, a yearning for something more… both require personal sacrifice, just that a different Altar is chosen to worship at.