Astrology Readings

For bookings please contact Jocelyn at:



You may or may not have heard of Black Moon Lilith in Astrology. Rather than being a planet, Black moon Lilith is the point of darkness. So traditionally seen as the a point at furthest from the earth. My perspective on Lilith is very Aquarian, in that, it’s all about transforming her story. From that which has been repressed and denied, to that which is respected and honored.
Positive Lilith represents that combination sexuality and quantum energetics commonly known as Tantra and the power of the Kundalini,. That snake of power which rises up the spine with conscious intention and Love, transforming our collective perspective of sexuality from the profane and back into the sacred realms where it belongs.

This I believe is both the task and the story of Lilith.

To start with an astrological rule of thumb.
And this in itself is just so incredibly symbolically attuned to the way in which Lilith has been denied, and repressed.

When we draw up a chart, in astrology, we are given what is called the ‘Mean position’ which means that, because she moves about a lot, we are given, we are asked to see and observe the average position…. The average Lilith, the average woman… rather than the real thing.

So when I read a chart I always honor Lilith by looking up, so I know her real, position, and therefore I know I’m working her true energetic, I’m seeing the real thing…
(I’ll put a link to a Lilith ephemeris bellow so you can check out your true position in your own chart.)
(Also I would like to mention I’m very indebted to the work of Tom Jacobs on this. his website, I’ll leave a link bellow)

So even in the aquarian art of astrology she remains still unseen.
Hey don’t go looking for a real woman in her sexual power, there’s a plastic photoshopped version over here .
So this is where we are astrologically with Lilith. Back at her moment of recognition, of re-cognition, of literally rethinking, and redefining her place within society.

All planets and placements in Astrology contain both a higher and a lower energetic, and Lilith is no different.
Her history parallels that of our society, a strong sexual woman in her prime demoted and abandoned, exiled and shunned; with all the power gifted to the Male.

However her positive energetic is tantra. The conscious use of the divine energy activated during the sacred coupling initiated by those eternal sacred magnetic forces of love and attraction. The sacred coupling of the Divine masculine and divine feminine with the energetic potential to bring new life into being.

And yes because it came up once in a reading, this works with gay couples as well of course, This is all about the energetics of attraction, and of course we hold both the male and female characteristics within.

So in case you are not familiar with the story of Lilith, let’s go through it now, and then pick it apart.
In the Hebrew Bible, which of course predates christianity, when God made all the animals, two by two, he made Adam, and he made Lilith, and there they were together, happy in garden of Eden for many eons, until one day, there they are making love, and yet again, Adam is on top.
So Lilith speaks out.
“Hey Adam, it’s my turn on top”
And Adam replies,
“Oh no, I should always be on top, because I’m better than you”
To which Lilith responds,
“I am made of God’s Earth same as you, and I can be on top if I want”

So Adam went and complained to God, and poor Lilith was banished from the garden of Eden.
Now this of course is a tale, a legend which symbolises the exclusion and denial of not just any possibility of sacred sexuality within the culture, but also of any vestage of Feminine power and authority. All that was handed to the Males in Terms of “God” and Adam.

With the further degradation and demotion of the Feminine symbolised by sweet little Eve, made from a body part of Adam, quite clearly, simply an extension of the male.
Then, to add insult to injury, stupid little eve messes up majorly, when she is duped by the evil snake.
Because she didn’t listen to the man.
And that story went on for a very very very long time.

Now I don’t know about you, but there’s something in that story that makes my blood boil.
This is Lilith.
The excluded one.

For now, back to the story of Lilith.
Having been excluded from the garden of Eden, she wandered alone, banished from society.
Legend then accuses her of baby killing, the very worst of crimes.
THE STORY told throughout history to manipulate the masses to direct and control.
So Lilith became the exile.
Today we call this “othering”. “They”, are not like us, “they” are not human, they are not normal, they are not like us.

So Lilith, that beautiful blend of Feminine power, connection with nature, and Divine sexual balance was exiled, demonised, and transformed into she who may be vilified, persecuted and finally denied.

Finally, removed from the Bible, and replaced, Lilith was very effectively erased from our collective psyche; from myth and legend; those ancient psychological symbols, the powerful images of potential with which we are indoctrinated. The stories we are told during childhood are our cultures and psychological training ground of potential.

Lilith, created equal with Adam, prepared to speak up for equal rights and equality was effectively removed, demonized, and then replaced by a far more compliant other.
The lovely Eve, who if a bit thick, should be humbly grateful, to Adam. The “first Male’, of whom she is merely an extension. Made from a rib, a spare part.

Which of course in one swift move also removes any ancient matriarchal rights over the children.

Ancient roots of Lilith speak to us of harmony and balance.
The Garden of eden, a paradise we are told…
Where Lilith whispers tales of sacred coupling.
Of the conscious sharing of our divine essence with another soul.
This speaks to us of ancient knowledge. The sacred sex of Tantra, of the Mystery schools of Isis, where it is said Mary Magdalene learned her arts.
Of the truth of the Kundalini.
That electric snake of energetic consciousness which rises from base chakras and into the higher during intercourse.
Through the use of conscious manipulation, visualisation and intention we can all harness and use this energy.
If you have never experienced this, it probably sounds totally woo woo, and out there, however, if you have ever tried it, you will know just how simple and natural this process is.
Rather like falling into water and finding you can already swim, this is a duck to water scenario. Something that is both natural and familiar.
In the same way that our sex hormones awaken naturally during our teenage years, equally when we begin to work with consciously with Lilith. When we employ ancient yogic techniques to our lives. Our bodies respond naturally, because awakening Lilith and her Kundalini energetic. Basically, sacred sexuality is normal to each and every one of us.
These here are standard energetic body parts we all have them.
We’ve just forgotten how to use them.
Similar to any unused muscle it will require a bit of exercise and bit of practice to get working.
But that’s the great thing about Engaging with and recognising Lilith.
This is a most natural and pleasurable process.

In a statical study done by two Standford university lectures,
They discovered that a couple working in harmony can manifest at 8 times more effectively than two individuals working alone.

Lilith is the both the antithesis of porn and it’s antidote
Speaking to us of a higher state of connection, which in and of itself creates love and abundance.

How beautifully simple is that!

Her reinstatement within our collective story is happening now.
Recognising Lilith is part of our awakening.
Her higher energetic gifts us a new archetype to incorporate and aspire to.
Sexuality when engaged with in a Sacred manner contains raw power and Lilith’s demand for equality and respect gifts us the key.

The recognition and reinstatement of this most ancient and sacred rout to the divine.

The collective Kundalini is rising.