2025 brings in a whole new wider, broader vision of both what is, and also what is possible. It is a year of interplay between the worst of the old and the emerging understandings of the new. A battle of light and dark, where old power-plays are revealed, and new potentials emerge.
Technologically. Medically. Spiritually.
This is the very moment in time when we stand poised at the very turning point of the ages; between the Age of Pisces, and the Age of Aquarius.
Read more: 2025 Anything is Possible2025 brings in a whole new wider, broader vision of both what is, and also what is possible. It is a year of interplay between the worst of the old and the emerging understandings of the new. A battle of light and dark, where old power-plays are revealed, and new potentials emerge.
Technologically. Medically. Spiritually.
This is the very moment in time when we stand poised at the very turning point of the ages; between the Age of Pisces, and the Age of Aquarius.2025 is a year of massive change, of endings and new beginnings for us all, on both a global and intimate personal levels. 3 of the major heavenly players changing signs. This indicates a huge shift, a brand new beginning, in the underlying mood and feeling and comprehension of our world, the importance of which is hard to understate.
The underlying energetics of our time are governed by what are referred to as the ‘generational planets’, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These move slowly through the signs, taking from 10 to 30 odd years to traverse a sign. In 2025, we experience the once in a lifetime phenomenon, of all three of there giant players changing signs within the space of a year. Unprecedented!
Additionally, the planets that are changing sign are Neptune, ruler of Pisces, and the Old Age, and Saturn & Uranus, the joint rulers of Aquarius, and the New Age
On top of that, both Neptune, and Saturn move from Pisces to Aries, they pass over Zero degrees Aries. This is an incredibly important point astrologically, placed at the very beginning, the Cardinal point of the zodiac, representing the ultimate
“Point of new beginnings” for both humanity and so the world.
Lord Pluto, newly entered into Aquarius, harmoniously shines his light onto each these 3 changing players, transforming and empowering.
Lastly, whenever another planet enters zero degrees Libra, a Kite is created, the aspect of highest potential, indicating a moment when humanity can reach for the sky and soar…
Also important to note this year is this. As a planet changes sign, it has to pass over what is called the critical degrees of a sign, from 28 to zero, This is where we experience the very, worst, most horrendous manifestation of that energetic and sign, in order that we may finally complete that mission. By observing those negatives and resolving them. The 29 degree is a Magical point, where through facing trials we transform our understanding, our consciousness, and overcome.
Pluto into Aquarius. Dec 30th, 2024
Let us begin with Pluto, Lord of the underworld. His job, as he travels through a sign is to dive deep into that which has been hidden and reveal it, that it may be transformed. In 2024, he hovered on the critical degrees, between Capricorn, and zero degrees Aquarius. Capricorn represents the “old order”, traditional power structures, Governments institutions, corporations. Pluto is lord of power and transformation. As he completes his Capricorn mission, and moves into Aquarius, the power structure of the world will shift. From the top down energetics of Capricorn, to the Power of the people, Aquarius.
In 2025 Pluto becomes firmly entrenched in Aquarius. Here he will take 20 years to complete his mission of uncovering that which has been hidden. A whole new comprehension of science and technology will be revealed which will benefit all of humanity, as well as exposing the dirty underbelly of scientific malpractice that we may see and resolve.
Eclipses 14th of March @ 23º Virgo
29th of March @ 9º Aries
In Astrology, our Karmic path of transformation is governed by the North, and South Nodes, the dragon’s head, Rahu and his tail, Ketu. These points travel backwards through the zodiac, in opposition to each other. The North Node, Rahu, governs our Karmic path forward, the future, and that which will benefit us, whilst Ketu, or the South Node governs the past, and that which we must release.
This year, on the 12th of January, only a day before the Cancer Full moon. The Nodes change sign every 18 months, representing our changing Karmic objectives. As the South node passes from Libra into Virgo, the North Node passes from Aries to Pisces, traversing, yet again that all important Cardinal point of new beginnings, this time with the emphasis of Karmic transformation.
For the last 18 months, the Nodes have been travelling through Libra/ Aries access, inviting us to release old dependancies, old ways of relating that no longer serve us, and demanding we step up, take our courage in our hands and stand in our own truth.
As the North Node moves into Pisces, there is a bigger picture involved, a higher, spiritual calling. The energetic of the warrior we stepped into with the Nodes in Aries is now being called to higher purpose.
And, where the Nodes go, so do the eclipses, which always represent times of sudden dramatic change, or Karmic turning points.
Ellipses always come in pairs, and the first two of 2025 span the time period just before Neptunes entrance into Pisces, amping up the energetic, and keeping the transformational theme going.
The first eclipse of the year @23º Virgo promises drama. This is a South Node Eclipse, and not an easy one. An Eclipse on the South Node means there is something we are letting go of, and Virgo covers both our health and our wealth. Saturn, and Neptune in opposition, and conjunct the Sun and the North Node, suggests there may be harsh collective lessons around boundaries and loss. Especially with Neptune at the critical 29ºpoint. This is the trigger point whichsets us up for the next eclipse just two days before Neptunes entrance into Pisces.
The second eclipse of the year, is at 9º Aries. This is a North node Eclipse, meaning we are bringing something in. And what we are bring in is new Fiery passionate spiritual leaders, who want balance, justice, and peace. Particularly between the sexes. Opposite to the Sun and Moon, we have Makemake, one of the new Quantum planets. He invites us to delve deeply beyond the surface and the obvious. There is a whole hidden underlying magical energetic and potential here which it will very much benefit us to uncover.
Neptune into Aries March 31st.
And only 3 days later…on March the 31st, Neptune heads into Aries.
The transition into the age of Aquarius, is all about changing our levels of consciousness.
Critical to this transition, is the entry of Neptune, into Aries.
Since, 2012, Neptune has been in home sign of Pisces, bringing us 20 years of spiritual expansion.
However, during 2024 and early 25 we experience Neptune at his darkest hour. Loss of faith, confusion, self sacrifice, drugs and disease; If the world can be over-compassionate, January- March 2025 is the time.
Neptune represents our collective unconscious, or “the dream”. Collectively, and individually, we dream our world into being.
As he transverses the world access, or point of collective new beginnings, his desire is to allow us to transform our dream from an unconscious manifestation, into a more conscious and self aware one.
However this is a complex transition. As Neptune enters Aries, crossing that all important cardinal point, there is a great deal of personal, and collective Karma to be processed.
This is represented by the conjunction of two personal planets, Mercury and Venus at those absolutely critical 28º-29º degree points, meaning that this transition will affect all of us intimately.
Both Mercury and Venus are also retrograde, meaning this is something we have to rethink, and re-evaluate. With Venus sitting , at his very point of exaltation in Pisces, there is the possibility of unconditional, higher love communication with spirit to completely transform our values.
Mercury is retrograde, and in his fall in Pisces, and, at that very critical degree, 29º point where the very worst of Pisces energy. Brain fog, confusion, and delusion. Misinformation at it’s worst.
Where as Venus in complete contrast is both exalted in Pisces, and within a degree of his absolute point of Exultation. Where sits the highest possibility of unconditional love, communion with spirit , and complete inner (remember the retrograde) transformation.
This is an experience which will truly span from highest to lowest.
To add to the complexity, the North Node, of the Moon, representing our collective Karmic way forward, is conjunction to all these players and, lastly, but by no means least, we have Saturn, Lord of Karma, at 24 degrees.
This is an enormously poignant, and karmic moment for humanity, touching each and every one of us deeply and personally.
Please be aware, that when a karmic moment such as this is present, it tends to manifest on the public stage at it’s lowest energetic.
Neptune has a tenancy to be expressed as spiritual gain through loss. As such it is likely we will all experience a loss of some kind. If I was advising the powers that be, this looks like a great time to use slight of hand to move the world into digital currency, or introduce a new virus. with Venus representing what we value, and actual cash, and Mercury in his most deceptive mode, we might be persuaded that it is for the higher good of humanity.
However, with the power of knowledge, and the power of choice, we equally have the potential to transition humanity into operating collectively from higher levels of consciousness. This is an inner transition, and will not be seen on the public stage.
Consequently, depending on where we are sitting within, we will either experience this transition as massive loss of faith. In what we believe, and what we value.
Or, we can take this moment to collectively raise our consciousness through the roof!
This is a turning point of such magnitude, that without a doubt both levels of transition will be effected.
Remember however, only one side will be televised!
Without doubt, New spiritual leaders will emerge during the 20 year passage of Neptune through Aries. A completely new level of consciousness is becoming available to us previously referred to as “spiritual awareness”, or shamanic consciousness.
Through the uncovering of hidden science (provided by Pluto in Aquarius), alternative ways of both perceiving, and manipulating our reality will begin to become common-place and accepted. Working on the levels of ritual, energy magic and the quantum normal.
Important to note here, is that the empowering energetic between between Neptune and Pluto is the sextile. Whilst this aspect provides favourable opportunities for transformation. It does not compel.
Knowledge is key here.
If we miss this one, it will not come again.
Similarly with the second major player to change signs, Saturn. Again, the aspect with Pluto is one of opportunity, the stage is set, How will we choose to move the players is up to us.
Saturn into Aries May 26th
Saturn, ruler of Aquarius, moves from Pisces into Aries, On May 26th, again passing Zero degrees Aries, That critical point of new beginnings.
Saturn, is Lord of boundaries, Karma, and how we structure our world; from our bones, to buildings, to the law. His passage through Pisces, just behind Neptune has helped us to create a solid structure around our spiritual beliefs, bringing a level of grounded wisdom to our spiritual insights. These new tools have structure, and practical applications, among them are meditation techniques, channeling, and working with the quantum.
However, similarly, before he can pass into Aries, first he must pass through that critical, magical, 29º point which will bring out the worst of the old, in order that it may be be transformed.
Also of vital importance to this transition, is the on going square, between Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter expands everything he touches, for better or worse, and this is an aspect of tension.
Jupiter in Gemini is full of exciting new possibilities from all the research he has done. Whilst Saturn brings down law and order, trying in his insecurity, to impose strong boundaries on an expanding and well researched public.
And Saturn at his worst at the end of Pisces represents the old order, particularly religious power and religious extremism. Saturn here will bring the focus onto existing unfettered power systems, especially those based on slight of hand, confusion and delusion; thus bringing into focus that which we need transform, and empower.
However, as Saturn too crosses the World Access point, and enters into Aries, he conjuncts not only Neptune, implying a loss, a dissolving of old structures; and also Ceres, Goddess of the harvest and grain, indicating the potential for food shortages.
However, important to remember is that all important sextile from magical Pluto, empowering and transforming. The potential here, is to create and restructure new sources of food and nourishment.
Saturn represents authority figures, the archetypical wise old man.
His passage through Aries will increase our inner wisdom, and stimulate our courage.
This is a time when we learn recognize our inner authority, and learn to lead from within.
This inner wisdom will demand a completely new world structure, and most definitely new world leaders, based on the new information that is being revealed by both Pluto in Aquarius, and Uranus in Gemini.
Uranus into Gemini July 8th.
The last big player to change signs is Uranus, Co Ruler of Aquarius, who moves into Gemini on July 8th.
Uranus, is “The great Awakener”. He is Zeus, lord of lightening, and when he enters a sign, he likes to do so with a bang. Uranus rules the higher mind, both science and our connection to God. Gemini, is ruled by Mercury, who governs how we think, and what we believe.
When he enters Gemini, we will be bathed in a whole new light of awakened understanding, and this will trigger the research.
Once Uranus enters Gemini, he creates an aspect with Pluto called the trine, which represents effortless harmony; and yet the connection between these two is explosive in the best possible way.
Visualize Uranus shining his torch of higher illumination into the darkness of the Pluto’s underworld, the previously hidden underbelly of Aquarius.
New and old science revealed.
Humanity awakening in the light of this new comprehension.
This will of course cover from the lowest to the highest; from the cold clinical scientist, doing gain of function research for the corporation, to hidden technologies recovered.
Gemini rules not just research, but also looking at all points of view, all perspectives, to gain comprehension of the truth.
The trine with Pluto creates an energetic where they will bounce off each other. Visualize technologies revealed, (Pluto in Aquarius) linked to that genius empowered research energy of Uranus in Gemini. Be ready for a revolution in how we think, how we communicate, how we travel, new sources of power, healing, in natural science.
A time when inner technologies are revealed.
New ways to empower, combining lower higher mind with revolutionary potential.
And, once Uranus enters Gemini, this aspect between Pluto, and Uranus lasts until 2030
This looks to me like the slow and gradual process of enlightening humanity.
7th September @15º Pisces
21st of September @29º Virgo.
The second set of eclipses comes in September, with the first on the 11th @15 degree Pisces. This is a Full Moon North node eclipse, with the energy of, both bringing something in, and shining a light . An old spiritual understanding is eclipsed, an old belief gone, and a new deeper comprehension is born.
This one is visceral. We feel it in our core. There is a complete restructuring of our comprehension going on. Saturn, at the critical/magical degree of Pisces tries to impose his strict beliefs onto other’s. Neptune at 1 Degrees Aries, knows there is a different way. One of using intuition to lead us onto the higher path and out of the fray.
And the last eclipse of the year is on the 21st of September, at 29º Virgo.
Back to that critical degree once again.
Indicating another deeply magical turning point for humanity. So many planets at this time are at that 28-0 critical degree point Either the end of signs, the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Saturn;
And so many at the beginnings. Most notably, all three outer planets, Pluto Neptune, and Uranus all at either zero or 1 degree of their new signs.
This is a new moon eclipse at the South Node. A new beginning, where we let go of an old way.
of daily grind and self sacrifice, of false beliefs. The worst, most extreme of Virgo energy will be under the spotlight to be removed.
Detail that seeks to obviscate and confuse, (think of small print) will be under the spotlight.
With the underlying push coming from the outer planets in their respective new signs. Seeing the world from a new perspective. Demanding a new way.
This chart contains 3 Yods; to Neptune, Mars and Venus, with Mars also coming into challenging square to with Pluto. This definitely indicates dramatic change. The Yod being the finger of God aspect, indicating sudden changes in destiny. To Mars, what drives us, to Venus, what we value, and to Neptune, to what we have faith in and believe.
The Square of Mars to Pluto is deep and explosive. Often indicating war, explosions, and the surgeons knife.
This eclipse has the people, the Sun and Moon, on the knife edge of change, as we sit between the urgency to transform, and the new, bigger picture coming in. .
And change we must.
A whole new world of potential opens up before us, as we simultaneously watch the old world implode.