Monday the 18 April 004am 1949

So, to begin with a very brief bit of technical stuff. I have found many charts, dates which represent the birth chart of Ireland, I am using the chart for the Monday 18th April 1949 when the Irish state was officially declared by a 21 gun salute. This was meant to happen at Midnight, but was delayed by 3 and a half minutes. Because the crown surged forward, and broke through the barriers. So I use the time was a @ 004 am. It took me a while to realize the significance of this. This timing places Eris, the agent of chaos at the Ic, the very base of the chart, which signifies the roots of the country really works with that unruly crowd and also it’s history, because . Eris works her magic through disruption and rebellion.
She brings chaos and discord in order that we may transform. Eris is the rebel, the inner wild woman,who shows no fear in the face of danger, but leads from within. Her Her mission is to bring light into the darker corners of society and so pave the way for change.
Here on the IC, the very roots of the irish state, she speaks of both the history of rebellion, But also of an ongoing battle. An ongoing need to dig deep, uncover the past and so bring freedom, and clarity into the future.
Lets begin with the nodes, which represent Ongoing Karma. The north node being our positive way forward, and the South node out past, and that which must be transformed
And lets begin with the North node, and this incredibly powerful stellium in Aries. A stellium is when we have more than 5 planets in a sign, really emphasising that energy. Aries is the warrior, and they are all also in the 5th house of Leo, who is the king,
So this point signifies The true leaders of the country.
And We have the Sun, the leaders conjunct Mars, the warrior, very comfortable in his home sign. Both Conjunct the north node the place of destiny andsuccess
Ever heard the phrase, ‘The fighting Irish’… I am not particularly into boxing, but off the top o my head I can instantly name 4 famous Irish boxers Barry Mc’Guigan, Connor McGregor, Kelly Harrington, Katie Taylor, If you’ll excuse the pun, Ireland has so punched above its weight in in terms of world famous fighters that come from this very tiny little Ireland.
Equally, there on the other side of the North node, within two degrees, we have a Sun Conjunct Venus conjunction, t, here in the 5th house house of creativity, music, and inspiration and again Ireland has produced so many incredible world famous creatives, Leo is the charismatic leader, who thrives on stage. We have Christy More, Mary Black, Sinead O’Connor, Bono, Bob Geldof, The list is virtually endless
And there, also the North Node, we have, Mercury, Just Moved into 2º of Taurus, and Taurus rules the throat, both singing, but also poetry. This is the gift of the gab, the silver tongue. This is an energy that is so strong, we even have a legend and a ritual, anyone ever heard of blarney, and the kissing of the Blarney stone. And again, this incredible plethora of talent rolls off the tongue,Yeats, Seamus Heaney, James Joyce, Oscar Wild.
So having looked at the north Node, we are now going to jump into the South, if the North Node is the Future, The south Node represents the past, and that which must be resolved so this is always angled slightly negativly
And here in the 11th house, we have issues around collective believe, and group think. The big challenge is here, with Neptune Lord of spirituality, and organised religion behaving at his worst.
In his neative aspect he rules loss, through illusion, fog, confusion, and slight of hand. Neptune also rules the media, Hollywood.
Indicating a people who could be quite niaeve, almost gullible and open to manipulation, particularly via Media and religion.
Next we’re lookin at theAscendant, and the first house, this represents both the identity of the country and how it is viewed by the world. And we have Sagittarius. Asc, conjuncted by Chiron. So where Sag is the The traveller, the philosopher, the teacher, and theres also something about the Sag asc, which is great Craic, getting together and having a laugh and a sing song, so many Irish have left to populate the world …Now Chiron is the wounded healer, conjunct the Ascendant there is this big wound around this identity. And of course we have the famine,s the wound the cause of the exodus. Which today we call the brain drain. With the young still leaving today. Opposite to Chiron is Juno. In the house of outside influences. And Juno is all about who controls the children, and in Gemini we control the children through the information we give them. The old Jesuit maxim comes to mind, “Give me the child for the first seven years and I will give you the man”. Still very current, with the hate speech laws being brought in, most certainly against the will of the people.
Still in the first house of identity we have this beautiful Moon Vesta conjunction.
the Moon represents, not only the women, but also all the people. And the Moon has two very powerful aspects. One positive, and one of challenge. This indicates that whilst there is a workable harmony established, there is a much greater potential possible once we have worked through these challenges.
So lets start with the challenge which is this opposition to Pallas and Uranus, making a T-square to Black Moon Lilith , down here @ 29º Pisces.
What we have here is 4 incredibly powerful Feminine Archetypes, each of which has been demoted. They are all at either the ending, or beginning of their signs, pretty much in the critical degrees. This means that there is an essential, critical process at work here, which is all about revisioning the role and status of women within the state.
The Moon and Vesta are opposed by Uranus and Pallas, over here in the 7th house, indicating that there are powerful outside forces at play here.
But first lets get into Vesta’s story. I really was not surprised to Find her in such a prominent position because, having lived most of my life in Ireland, i read a large number of charts, of Irish people, and within them, I often recognise the strength of vesta. A powerful Vesta indicates a gentle inner wisdom. Time spend by the hearth with a grandparent. Hearing their stories, and absorbing that gentle grounded wisdom which only comes with age and experience. Vesta is the hearth fire. In ancient times the daughter would take a burning coal from her mothers hearth, when she left to start the fire in the center of her own home. As such, she represents the continuity of ancient wisdom.
In Ancient times, the 12 vesta’s were committed to no man, instead, if they perceived a man out of balence, they would use their sacred sexuality to calm and restore. The Vesta’s are the origin of the Virgin Birth story. Each Solstice, the 12 Vesta’s would enter a cave, within this sacred womb of the goddess they consort in darkness with the 12 Kings men. And from this Sacred coupling, this ‘Virgin Birth” the new Sun King would be chosen.
Through time, the Vesta’s were demoted. Most people have heard of the Vestal Virgins, who lived in the temple in Rome. Honored as long as they stayed within the strict rules of the Patriarchy.
Vesta, eventually morphed into the Nun archetype. Such a strong force within Irish society, yet cut off from her true source of power, controlled and manipulated by others.
Vesta, very much represents the sacred sexual fire. The Kundalini energy which resides at the base of the spine, and here i always think of Mary Magdalene. My understanding is that she was trained in the temple of Isis. Where she learned the sacred sexual arts. And so she was called a whore.
Equally here, at 29º of Pisces We have Black Moon Lilith. where she repeats and emphasises this challenge.
Her story is this. Once upon a time, God made the animals two by two, and he made Adam, and he made Lilith, and they were very happy together in the garden of Eden for many eons, Until one day, there they are making love, and Adam is on top yet again, so Lilith says, hey Adam, It’s my turn to be on top, and Adam says, Oh no. I’m the Man, and I should always be on top, Lilith says no, I’m as good as you, made from God’s good earth. So Adam went tp God and complained, and Poor Lilith was thrown out of the garden of Eden. So this repeats the story of repression and denial of the feminine. And Lilith is very much about sexuality, but also what Tom Jacobs coined, the instinctive wild. This is an internal knowledge which comes from an awareness of and connection with nature.
Lilith is in the fourth house at the very core foundations of the country. She is at the very critical, very magical 29º of Pisces. Where at her worst, her power is held in check by religious beliefs of the past. But she is also holds an incredible potential for a new beginnings Not only because she is conjunct zero degrees Aries, the World Access point, the point where everything begins anew. But we also have that symbol of luck and delight, the part of fortune. This tells me that the more our connection with the feminine, with the earth, with natural rhythms are recognised and restored, the happier and more successful the people will be.
Here This spot at the very base of the chart is called the IC, this represents the past. The ancestors, the roots the very foundation and the heritage of the country. Here conjunct the IC we have the powerful figure of Eris the Female warrior, Sister to Mars. She operates in two ways.
In her lower aspect, when she’s not respected, she creates chaos. However in her higher aspect, she is the warrior for truth, justice and clarity. She was only discovered in 2005. So since that time we have been learning how to work with her, and this indicates that since her discovery, the women are no longer so easily confused, and for more able to stand up for themselves. Eris represents our soul purpose. Her conjunction with the Ic, the roots of the country suggests a story of female repression and exclusion which is in the process of being turned around. This transformation key to the basic and fundamental harmony of the county.
This chart also contains two yods. This is called the finger of God aspect. And points to a particular destiny.
Firstly Jupiter. Lord Jupiter rules religious and financial institutions. He covers what we believe to be true, and also therefore what is possible. Here At the top of a yod, he will work at his worst until he becomes unbearable, At which point we are forced us to transform what it is we believe to be possible and at that point, we transform those system.
Saturn too is at the top of a Yod, very much behaving At his worst. Because not only is he at the top of a yod, he is also at the critical/magical 29º degrees of Leo, and he’s Retrograde. Saturn in the mundane chart represents political leaders, and those in a position of Authority in the country. This aspect speaks to us of the idea’s and beliefs the authority figures hold, and how their beliefs, impact the way the country is structured. And unfortunately, this is an extremely wounded and challenged Saturn. Saturn also represents the law, and national tragidy, which is caused by
29º Leo The King at his extreme. Arrogant twat, self centered, Retrograde, so Hard working, yes, but very much a loner who is out to get what they can for themselves. The brown envelope brigade. The phrase ‘Blank check Bertie” comes to mind. And the impact of those beliefs filters down through the authority figures in the country
However this Yod does insist things must turn around.
I’d just point out that beautiful Grand trine there between the Moon Saturn and Mercury Venus and the Sun. So even though Saturn is behaving at his very worst. There is still a workable harmony to be found. But equally, there is a powerful sudden turn around indicated.
And I’m going to run through the transits fro election day in the next video. And, there are two Yods.
Lastly, I’d like to Look at Pluto, conjunct both Ceres, and Haumia because this is just so hugely significant and transformational. Ceres is the Goddess of Motherhood and the harvest. Pluto and Haumia both rule endings, transformation and rebirth.
All in the house of religion, and what it is we collectively believe in.
Ceres and Pluto are intimately connected by legend, and once again, we have the theme of who controls the children.
So Ceres gave had a beautiful daughter Percephony, her best friend and the most important person in her life. They were closest of close, best of friends, and as Percephony grew she became very beautiful, so that all the gods desired her, and Ceres tried to never leave her own her own. However needs must, so one day Percepony found herself all on her own in the elysian fields. And Lord Pluto spotted her there alone and vulnerable. So he cracked open the earth, came up from the underworld, and grabbed her taking her deep down into his lair.
Now when Ceres returned, she was distraught to find her daughter gone. Eventually she withdrew her gifts from humanity, leaving them without the harvest, and without food. Now after 3 years, The people were starving, and Apollo, Lord of the gGods sent his messenger Hermes to intervene.
So Pluto agreed to let percepony go. Now she had been very clever in her stay and neither eaten nor drunk, knowing it would hold her to the underworld. But Clever Pluto, when he told her of her return her offered her a bowl of pomegranate seeds, and in her joy snd relief, she unthinkingly ate 4. When she was reunited with her Mother, Ceres asked, Did you eat or drink whilst you were down there. And of course, Percephony replied, nought but 4 pomegranate seeds. And ceres was once again distraught, knowing this would tie her to the underworld. And so we have winter.
Ceres is the Mother, and Lord Pluto here is all about power, and control through what we unconsciously believe.
The Ultimate Mother, is Mary, Mother Mary has alway held a very special place in the country of Ireland. We have beautiful statues of Mary all over the country, often associated with a holy well, or sacred site.
The Power of the Mother symbol holding a very special place in the heart of the country’s beliefs.
But, wherever we have Pluto, there is some deep and dark pain which requires transformation, and as in the legend, it’s all about who controls the children. The Magdalene Laundries, The Mother and baby homes scandal. And Pluto is retrograde, making it hard to speak the truth we see.
However. Courageous leaders have spoken out. This underworld has been exposed and is transforming. The women are undoubtedly taking their power.
Which brings us onto the next level. Which is Haumia. Fascinatingly she holds the energy of both Pluto and Ceres, But in a much higher octave. In that she works on the realm of the energetic ans quantum.
Her similarity with Ceres, is that she too is a mother Goddess. Creator Goddess of the Hawaiian islands, she can give birth from any part of her body., She too dies and is reborn every time she gives birth. So similar to Pluto she has that Phoenix energy about her.
She is the female shaman, her role, to purify the sacred space for ceremony. She sweeps the energy clean, she calls in the four directions, the gods and the goddesses, creating the space for divine connection. Here she is able to see the web within the quantum, pulling together the threads, creating knots of pure potential.
Haumia, was discovered in 2005, as such she is an energetic we are all learning about.
However so close to both Pluto and Ceres, she does suggest a new level of both comprehension and empowerment is available. Haumia speaks to us of combining ancient shamanic practice, with a scientific approach. But also of the strength and power of belief. Of prayer, of ceremony to open doors to powerful transformation for the women, but also for country as a whole, and I think this is level we are beginning to comprehend and step into.
So I hope you enjoyed my take on the Irish state.