Finding The Ascendant or Rising sign
For those who don’t know their birth time.
I do love to get my teeth into a good ascendant.
Although I really only do this when there are some prior indications.
A question mark around the birth time, but with some form of guidance.
For example, ‘My sister recalls she was just having breakfast’.
Or ‘My mother says the hospital recorded the time wrongly
Mum is convinced I was born at 10
but thee hospital recorded it as 9’.
One client had their Ascendant dowsed in India.
He really trusted the dowser, but the placement had never felt quite the right fit.
Until we removed an hour for British summertime, and then everything fell into place.
The combinations are numerous.
Even just an indication, evening, morning or afternoon
serves to narrow down the playing field instantly from 12 to 4.
From then on in it’s just super good fun to dig.
Into the chart, into the personality, and into the planets.
And it is of course, these numerous combinations that make it both so complex, and so fascinating.
I always feel a bit like Hercule Poirot uncovering the mystery of the chart.
Digging deep to find the very spot, the very piece that fits.
When the is no prior indication, I am very happy to read the ‘sunrise’ chart.
This is when we put the Sun on the Ascendant and in all honesty works equally as well.
We are still looking into the same house, but through a different window.
Jocelyn lives a completely off grid lifestyle, with no mains amenities.
All readings are powered by either solar or water.