TThe Astrology of The Irish election 29/11/24
what I am going to do today, is look at How are the planets affecting Ireland on Election day,
So we are looking at the Birth chart Natal for Ireland for the 18 April 1949 @ 003 am. I will do my best to make a stand alone video for the election, but this interpretation will be far easier to follow if you have already listened to my breakdown of natal chart. I will put the link in the description bellow.
So there are some quite extraordinary and very Karmic energies flying around on the 29th,
So Lets begin by looking at the past, this is indicated by the South Node and this represents what we need to deal with in order to move forward.
And with Neptune conjunct the south Node, here in the 11th house, this describes a population very open to being deluded by glamour, particularly of the religious kind, Neptune can also represent the media, brain fog and manipulation, there could be a tenancy to group think, and to not want to stand out from the crowd.
This is the past and what must be transformed in order to move forward.
Every planet holds both a higher, and a lower energy, so with transiting Neptune is in the 4th house. This is the home, the land the very foundation of country, and Neptunes, passage here speaks of dissolution and loss. In the mundane chart Neptune rules medicine, viruses, covert plots and fraud. However he also speaks to us of a revival of spirituality, of connection with the land, and of true faith.
So if I hover my mouse over Neptune here on the chart for election day, you can see
these red lines, and they indicate that there is a real challenge, between outside influences, here in the 7th house. And the people represented, here in the first house, by the Moon.
With Uranus and Pallas, are an incredibly powerful combination. Uranus is the higher mind, enus energy here in Gemini, he can really communicate, plus, Pallas, is goddess of wisdom and strategy. So this is outside forces trying to manipulate the people, through glamor and illusion, slight of hand…
Sounds like a typical election.
But will this manipulation succeed…
The most karmic points in the chart are the Nodal access, As they go around the chart, the North Node indicates our way to success and happiness and the South Node, what we must let go of to get there. And on Election day, they are sitting on an extremely important points in the chart called the Midheaven up here, and the IC down here.
So the South Node, what we are releasing is on the Midheaven, so this describes the status of a country, it’s leaders, and how it’s seen by the world, so this indicates a karmic need to let go of the old leaders old ways of being perceived,
Here at the base of the chart, we have the IC, this describing the roots the foundation and the heritage of the country. And we have.the North node sitting here, this is the place where the energy is coming in. the Ic, the place where we honor and learn from the ancestors, and return to the past.
And this desire is initiated by the dissatisfaction up here with the South Node in the public realm, it’s all going wrong. And it with the North node here, this is a country that is returning to it’s ancestral roots.
Here right on the IC We have Eris the warrior woman. Sister to Mars. She operates in two ways.
In her lower aspect, when she’s not respected, she creates chaos. However in her higher aspect, she is the warrior for truth, justice and clarity and, not only is she incredibly empowered by the North node, she is also beautifully supported by both Mars ,and the Sun in these harmonious trines.
So it looks to me like the women are standing up and ready to fight for justice.
Both Mars and the Sun are especially important, so they carry extra weight in reading this chart because In the natal, they are sitting on that very Karmic north Node, and so they describe both the country’s leaders, and it’s way forward.
Now the Sun For Election day, is very appropriately, sitting on the Ascendant. The ascendant is how the world sees Ireland, The Sun on the Asc is a bit like a spotlight is being shone onto the country. The Sun represents leaders and this a new beginning. So this is looking like new leaders coming in who are really in harmony with the people and their base, their history
And with the Sun on the ascendant, it’s a bit like a new beginning, a new birth for the country, however part of this is the Sun is also sitting on Chiron, and wherever Chiron is, there is a wound. So the Sun is equally highlighting any pain around the collective Irish identity.
And I go into that more deeply in the birth chart for Ireland, link bellow.
Mercury in the first house here represents both what the people are thinking, it also represents the Media. And it is just into retrograde. So not just the people, but even the media is having a rethink about leaders and what is in the interests of the country going forward.
Now mars both represents the leaders, but also what is driving us. And he is up here in the house of what we belief. He is making a Grand trine with Chiron our wound and Eris at the base of the chart. So this looks to me with new leaders, with new idea’s coming in, that are more in tune with both the country itself, and it’s base, its history.
This is an opportunity where there is a drive to transform. in all these four areas. In the eyes of the world, and also in relationship to outside forces that want to control.
So next we’re goin to look at transiting Venus. Again super important in the natal chart, she’s is part of this stellium conjunct the nodes. She speaks of the heart and soul of the country, the true leaders, which are more musicians, fighter, poets, and not really the politicians, who are represented up here…
So here she is in the second house in Capricorn representing what we value. And what we value here is property, stability, money. And this is in strong square to natal Mars. Suggesting that a section of the population will stick with the old, and the traditional, because they see that as representing security and financial stability.
And what I’d ;like to talk about last is the two doubllings we have. This is where an aspect is repeated in both the natal, and the transit chart.
And Both aspects are ones that work absolutely horrendously, until the choose to people turn them around. So This is really interesting, because it could go either way. It’s all down to perception and the power of choice.
So natally we have a Pluto Ceres conjunction and this is repeated in the transit chart, making it incredibly powerful.
Pluto is Lord of the underworld, and he is all about power and control. In the 9th house, he controls the masses through unconscious beliefs. Religion and education, Philosophy.
And this is in Leo. So this can be a pretty arrogant imposition, which expects to dictate beliefs, in order to have power over. Ceres is the Mother Goddess. She rules over the women, the children, and the land, She is the of agriculture, Grain and the harvest. So these are the area’s Lord Pluto expects to control through his imposed belief system.
In the Transit chart, Pluto is again conjunct Ceres, but this time in the house of property, agriculture, and what we value. So once again these same issues of power and control, are coming up to be re-examined. With the emphasis on what is it that we value.
Since 2008, Pluto has been in traditional Capricorn exposing any corruption in old power systems in order that we may transform.
Whilst Pluto has moved on into Aquarius, where he wants to bring power to the people.
Ceres is stuck in the critical degrees at the end of Capricorn, where she is torn between the old and the new
As Pluto moves into Aquarius, he conjuncts Jupiter, and he rules This 9th house, and what we believe. This is a complete transformation of both the belief system and the values of the country. Aquarius rules the new age, so communication of new ideas, through new media, is key the internet, is key. To both the power and control over beliefs, and also over the transformation of these concepts.
This does completely fits with what might be called the battle for the internet. Of course in Ireland we have with the new ‘hate speech laws’ that have just been passed in the sioned. This happened when Pluto was at that crittical 29 degree point. However he has now moved into Aquarius. The sign of Revolution and people power. Indicating that the people are transforming, ready to take thier power.
And last, I would like to look at Saturn. Again, this powerful doubling. Which sits in a yod in both the natal and the transit chart. This is an extremely challenged Saturn.
The way the planet at the top of the yod, behaves, is at his worst, until we choose to turn him around..
Saturn in a country represents the civil servants the law and the judiciary. Up here, he represents the leaders who tell the people what to believe.
In the chart of a nation, also rules so large scale tragedies national calamities, and scarcity.
A Yod is called the finger of God aspect, because it indicates a destiny, which requires transformation. Let me show you in the chart, so both of these brown lines, indicate a misunderstanding that needs ironing out. So in the natal. The misunderstanding is between. Jupiter, here in the second house, what we value and what we believe.
And he has Pluto conjunct him at the moment, transforming old beliefs.
And we have Black moon Lilith, down here in the 4th house of the land the home country. And Lilith is all about our connection to the wild within, and our instincts. And she has Neptune sitting on her, leaving her either in a state of confusion, or a place of inner connection and harmony.
All these planets in the chart are at their critical degrees, indicating endings and new beginning required. And at the moment, they all have planets of major transformation sitting on them.
Similar to the yod his again emphasises this, working at their worst, until things get so bad, that we are forced into change. At which point they become the magical degree where we create a whole new start.
So we have both these potentials, hanging in the balance.
This yod , is repeated by transiting Saturn down here, in the 4th house, where he wants to impose his limitations, his rules his law on the people and the land.
Saturn has been Stationary, making him extremely powerful, in his controlling aspect, he is again trying to impose to control through dictating belief. However for election day, he is still in the Yod,but beginning to move forward. How very incredible. Two Yods, one natal and one on electioj day both with Saturn Lord of Karma at the top. And the very nature of the yod is to transform from its worst to its highest.
So this looks to me very much like this could be that moment of transformation moment .
And also Pluto and Ceres, and we have just looked at that.
And this does completely fit with the new ‘hate speech laws’ that have just been passed in the sioned in the exact station of Saturn.
So which way will the country go on Election day. And i think it is clear that new energy new leaders will emerge. However, there are equally some very powerful forces opposed to that new beginning. Saturn in a Yod, indicates that either, there will be a dramatic turn around, Or, that the choice of the people will be to remain with the old top. And to be honest. It will go both ways
.Both energetics will be expressed Because both energetic will be expressed, but honestly, with the nodes, indicating a return to the roots, Saturn moving forward, in his yod, destined to transform and Pluto, now firmly ensconced in Aquarius. I think this is the time of turn around. The people are taking their power.