The Grand Kite 2024-2029
what I would like to talk about today is simply EPIC,
This aspect has the potential to jump humanity into higher levels of consciousness.
And begins with a bang with the Full moon eclipse @ 25º Pisces on the 17th-18th of September.
First, a bit of background.
Expect the last quarter of 2024 to be full of endings.
This is because the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are about to change signs. These guys govern huge generational cycles. It takes the between 10 to 30 yeas for them to traverse a sign.
And right now all three are steeped in the energetic of endings.
This is represented in astrology by the critical degrees, at the end of a sign. Here we experience the very worst that we may finally reveal, and resolve. At that point where we finally comprehend the lessons, this then becomes the magical degree, where we are able to turn things around to the new, and the positive. But first we must experience the cathartic ending of the old, that we may begin anew.
And right now this is happening in triplicate.
There will be drama.
But what I want to do today is explain the potential here.
Which truly is both enormous, and unpresented.
To paint a larger picture, never in recorded history has an event like these 3 big players changing sign within 2 years happened. (Credit to Steve Judd for that research).
The closest I can find is during the 1440’s when Pluto, and Saturn entered Leo, and Uranus into Cancer, and that resulted in Renaissance!
Additionally, the planets that are changing sign are Neptune, ruler of Pisces, and the Old Age, and Saturn & Uranus, the joint rulers of Aquarius, and the New Age
On top of that, both Neptune, and Saturn move from Pisces to Aries.
As they do so, they pass over Zero degrees Aries. This is an incredibly important point astrologically, placed at the very beginning, the Cardinal point of the zodiac, representing the ultimate
“Point of new beginnings”. For Humanity, and for the world.
Pluto, harmoniously shines his light onto each these 3 changing players. And together when we include one more point on the Zodiac, Zero degrees libra, they create an aspect called the Kite.
The Kite represents the highest, the most positive, most successful aspect in Astrology. The only thing being, very like the actual Kite, they can traditionally be a bit challenging to get off the ground. So we may collectively need a bit of practice at this, But don’t worry, this aspect goes on at varying degrees of intensity until late 29, early 30’s.
With the two eclipses representing Karmic trigger points which will help to lift humanity into this new beginning.
The energetic of the trigger point at the base of the kite @ zero degrees Libra is fascinating.
This represents the energetic, of Law balance, justice, and harmony between the sexes.
The value we give to our vital relationships, which can only work if based on honesty, trust, integrity. This is part of that rebalancing process and is key to the lifting of this Kite.
Now what is so incredible and beautiful about this point, is that it is activated, not only by the Moon every Month, the Sun, mercury, Venus every year, but the whole energetic is kick started on the 17-18th of this month by the first of two eclipses on this point.
Eclipses always represent sudden, dramatic, Karmic change, or choice points. And as you may observe, the stakes are big, and the rewards huge.
Key to all of this is our levels of consciousness, and knowledge. Whilst it may seem that things are spinning out of control on the 3 D level, The Full Moon conjunct Neptune will highlight either the chaos or our ability to step onto a higher level of consciousness. With the Sun sitting on the tail of the Kite, opposite the Moon, informing us that it is our inner security. Our self love and trust, our inner balance and security that are key to lifting the kite. This is our first big opportunity. Our first big shift.
The outer planets here represent our collective deep need for transformation of the bigger cycles that govern our world. Pluto’s move from Capricorn to Aquarius indicate the Ballance of power will shift, from large corporations, and governments, and into the hands of the people, uncovering hidden science and technologies, and releasing them to the public . Uranus’ move into Gemini will spark a plethora of research into these possibilities, illuminating so many more healing solutions for ourselves and the world, not least in terms of alternative power solutions, as they bounce off each other in harmonious trine .
Neptunes and Saturns move across the World access holds a few more challenges, with the potential for the complete disarticulation of the old structures causing chaos. Unfortunately this letting go of old securities is also part of this transition. Vital here to remember and consciously link into higher Neptune, and employ those inner technologies, those new emotional/spiritual understandings that Neptunes passage through Pisces has revealed to us, .
It is this work this inner spiritual connection with our inner divine light that holds our key to success with Neptune at the top of the kite.
Saturn’s passage through Pisces, after Neptune, has asked to ground our spiritual connection into practical everyday uses. Meditation, Synchronicities, being in the flow, these has bought these previously intangible things into our everyday lives. And it is this combination that we are required to employ to truly begin again as humanity, and lift this kite, and ourselves into the whole new beginning we truly desire for the world.
With Neptune and Saturn conjunct the eclipse, at such a critical degree, on the 17th, initially there could easilly be a heightened sense of loss and confusion, which pushes us into our own resources, The Sun at the base of the kite in Virgo. However as a North Node Eclipse it also brings in and opens karmic doors. Our spiritual senses are blown wide open. New levels of comprehension dawn, as much is revealed by the light of this Full moon eclipse.
Whilst there are many other key trigger moments, when the nodes go over that point, etc etc,
But today I want to focus on the two eclipses, on this point because we are about to experience the first, and because they represent key Karmic turning points.
The way this works is, when we have a full moon eclipse on one point in Zodiac, roughly a year later, we gat an opposing new moon eclipse on the opposite point. Roughly speaking the north node eclipse will bring something in and the South Node eclipse will release the old. Although these two eclipses that we are going through now work slightly differently.
The opposing New Moon eclipse, on September 21st 2025 is at that critical 29º of Virgo. Again forming the Kite, and is equally if not more illuminating, containing the absolutely exceptional exceptional energy of three Yods.,
Now one yod at the time of an eclipse is exceptional, but three, incredible.
Now the Yod is called the finger of God, because it points specifically at one planet which is destined to change. If I was to give the overall energetic of this, eclipse it would be sudden unexpected Karmic turn arounds, and new beginnings challenged by old power.
I’m not going to get too much into this today, but suffice to explain. Because it is something that can help to inform our intentions, and our way forward through this potentially rocky transition between these eclipses.
The three yods, so therefore the energetics we must endeavour to work on to lift the kite are both fascinating and informative
Two of the Yods are to inner planets Mars our drive and Venus what we value. Those representations of the natural order Male and Female.
And if we go back to the base of the Kite that trigger point at the very start of Libra. It is all about rebalancing the divine masculine and the divine feminine. This is not so much a gender issue as an inner balance. A workable harmony that is required to be found.
With the other Yod to Neptune, at the top of the kite Our vital inner connection with the divine requires transition to a whole new level, have we done the work, or will we be left in the chaos of lower Neptune.
This is the choice To do the inner work, of connection, with ourselves with others, in conscious awareness of the divine nature of all
It is this combination that will lift the Kite that allows Humanity to truly begin again.
To lift this kite, and ourselves into the whole new beginning we truly desire for the world.