That Critical 29 Degree point.

Often enough, being an astrologer is a bit like being a Dr., in that Clients come to you when there is a problem. And so so many of my present clients are suffering from issues around the 29º critical degree placements in their charts.
The critical degrees cover from 28º to Zero degrees of all signs, and are points where, having assimilated and assessed the experience of that energetic, we then go through the very worst of that sign, in order that we may most definitely, finally and completely learn those lessons.
That is the bad news.
The good news is that this is also the Magical degree,
Read more: If you are Suffering right now, this is for youwhere, because of that challenge, we deeply and most completely get it. We are then able to move on with that wisdom and understanding, all issues fully resolved, into that Magical new beginning.
And so it is with us all in the now.
We have at present, (and I am writing in early August 2024) two major heavenly players, Neptune and Pluto in the absolutely critical, absolutely magical 29º to zero points.
These outer planets move slowly slowly, describing the deep underlying energetic of our world.
It takes Pluto can take up between 12 – 32 years to travel through a sign. His job as he does so is to uncover the hidden underworld, the deep shit that has been going on, and expose it to the light to be cleansed.
Pluto, as lord of the underworld is all about power and control, bringing unconscious patterns into awareness so that we may see the truth and so restore our own internal power and authority.
HIs passage through Capricorn began in 2008 with the drama of the banking crash. Pluto does like to make the headlines as he enters a sign! Since then he has been working his way through Capricorn, the sign of how we structure our world. Capricorn represents big organisations such as governments, religious institutions, and corporations. I think we can all agree, he’s been doing a pretty through expose there!
And, this year, on January the 22nd, he moved on, into Aquarius…. Whoo Whoo!!!!
The sign of the New age the sign, of revolution, and of People power, absolutely simultaneously to uprising of the European farmers, ‘No farmers, No food’ movement.
Lord Pluto does enjoy a dramatic entrance!!!
However, having got to 2 degrees Aquarius, he turned around, and is heading back for a last blast of 29º Capricorn, a last blast of power and control dynamics coming from above, before we finally collectively break through, and see, comprehend, and are ready to transform the very worst of the Capricorn big business overreach,
And only then, finally, we are ready and equipped to shift… into that magical moment of transformation.
We have seen how the world is structured, from highest to lowest, and so now, having dug up, seen, and examined throughly all the shite, we truly comprehend what has been happening, and with our newly acquired, hard won wisdom, we now understand what to do in order to restructure our world in the way in which we would actually prefer.
I almost want to refer to Neptune as his partner in crime. Sitting there stationary in his home sign of Pisces at the 29º point from May to September 24, asking us to experience the worst of Pisces expansion. Slight of hand. Loss of faith. Fog and confusion, living in a Hollwood movie set of illusion and delusion. Too much of everything Pisces, This is the fog of Neptune at 29º Pisces.
However we must remember, this is equally the magical point of transformation, where we are taken to the extreme in order to resolve.
Neptune has been traveling through his home sign of Pisces since 2012, opening the doors of our spiritual perception. During that time, a whole new world of spiritual practice and perception has emerged, merging happily with the new age quantum sciences. Meditation has now become a commonly used tool, and is even taught within business environments, due to the recognition that a calm mind improves overall efficiency.
Alongside this recognition of our inner states, has been a growing recognition of the importance of the awareness of our inner emotional states, those deep, underlying tides of emotion so ruled by Neptune in Pisces.
And this is so much of what we are all experiencing right now. That 29 degree, underlying feeling that much about the way our world is structured is in in absolute shite, and needs immediate and urgent transformation (Pluto @29º Capricorn), and that equally, our inner inner tides, our connection to the divine oneness both within and without (Neptune @29º ‚Pisces) is equally at this critical point of transformation, with this knollege weighing on us from a deep underlying and fundamental place.
And this is particularly and especially true for those at 29º of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra.
Very much present and fundamental to anyone with any 29º placement, and equally there for all of us alive right now.
Just one of the super, wonderful, and amazing things about astrology is this. That it gifts us firstly the knowledge and certainty that things will move on, and also a time scale.
And, wonderfully, there is something kinda amazing about to happen to humanity in 2025, when both these big players move on into the zero degrees of their new signs. Pluto, finally landing in fully and decisively into Aquarius, shifting the power from the old traditional way, Capricorn, and into the hands of the people, Aquarius.
And Neptune moving from Pisces and into Aries on the 31st of March.
This is a massively important transition because as he makes this move, he will pass over ‘Zero degrees Aries’, or ‘The world access’.
This point astrologically is the very beginning, the absolute Cardinal point of the zodiac, representing the ultimate “Place of new beginnings”, and what choices we make at this time will be of course, ‘critical’, knowledge as always being key
However surface to know that, from now, until the end of the year, we are sitting in this critical 29 degree placement. Where we can either be feeling stuck in the shite of other’s creation, or, we can be busy creating our own magic.
In Capricorn terms, this is the moment to establish your own critical infrastructure, whether this is clean water and food, or like minded community. Critical restructuring of physical world is what is happening now. Attend to it well and it will hold you in the future.
And equally in Neptunian terms, we are establishing our inner infrastructures, our connection to the divine. Our newly discovered inner tools now support us. Which definitely includes a finely tuned inner ‘bullshit detector’. We now intuitively know what is right from within.
And this is the magic of the now.
The opportunity to establish your own infrastructure the inner and outer support systems that will take you through the critical new beginnings of 2025.