A Transit reading for only €50
“Better than a psychic” Ciara
For a short time only, I am offering, by popular request, a Transit reading for only €50

The emphasis of this reading is-
Read more: Astrology Reading SPECIAL OFFERWhat is going on for you now?
How long will it last?
& How will I make the best of it?
For me these are key features of astrology which can help in a very practical, every day way.
When we are going through a rough patch, or in the doldrums, nothing helps more than knowing the timing. Nothing lasts forever, and this particular energetic will end by this date. Meanwhile, astrology can point us towards the positive opportunities of this time.
That is one of the many the super fab things about astrology.
Every transit, every moment contains both a higher and a lower energetic.
When we are aware of the positive potential, we can use the power of our intention, the power of choice to step into our highest self, and achieve our greatest potential.
Contact me @ jocelynjflorence99@gmail.com
“Better than a psychic” Dublin Ciara